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Home > Adventures Abroad > Turkey 2006 > Ephesus, 3/24/2006

Memmius Tomb and Monument2 viewsErected by fiat of the Emperor Augustus in the first century AD to commemorate the achievements of Memmius' grandfather, the notorious dictator Sulla Felix.
The Domitian Temple3 viewsWhoever named it was misinformed, because it was actually erected in honor of the Emperor Titus, predecessor of Domitian.
The Domitian Temple3 viewsChuck Mattox and Rick Gering contemplate what's left of the Temple.
Stonework2 viewsNear the Domitian Temple.
The Pollio Fountain1 viewsSo called because people who had polio were cured by bathing in it. No, I made that up. Actually, it is named for the Pollio family, a prominent Ephesus family who had it built in 97 AD.
Pollio Fountain2 viewsNote scruffy tourist ambling past the fountain. You wouldn't think the Turks would let such riffraff into their historic places.
Winged Figure2 viewsStone carving detail, Curetes Street.
The Headless Doctor1 viewsErected during the Byzantine era in honor of a woman doctor who had rendered great services to the city.
The Fountain of Trajan3 viewsDedicated (surprise!) to the Emperor Trajan (reigned AD 98-117), under whom the Roman Empire reached its greatest territorial extent.
The Trajan Fountain5 viewsDedicated to the Roman emperor of the same name, the fountain was built on the north side of Curetes Street in the second century AD. A huge statue of the emperor stood over the pool, but only its feet have survived.
The Trajan Fountain2 viewsWith our guide Attila the Honey making faces in the foreground.
Detail of Corinthian Column3 viewsIn the Commercial Agora of Ephesus
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