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NGC 6522 - Globular Cluster in Sagittarius
Possibly the oldest star cluster in the Milky Way,[4] with an age of more than 12 billion years.  Located in an area of the sky known as Baade's Window, named for the astronomer Walter Baade, who first recognized its signficance.  Baade's Window is an area of the sky with relatively low amounts of interstellar dust along the line of sight from the Earth, allowing unobstructed observation of the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

NGC 6522 - Globular Cluster in Sagittarius

Possibly the oldest star cluster in the Milky Way,[4] with an age of more than 12 billion years. Located in an area of the sky known as Baade's Window, named for the astronomer Walter Baade, who first recognized its signficance. Baade's Window is an area of the sky with relatively low amounts of interstellar dust along the line of sight from the Earth, allowing unobstructed observation of the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

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File information
Album name:27telp / Star Clusters
Location and Date:OCA Site near Anza, CA, 8/2/2019
Equipment:William Optics FLT-132 refractor, QSI-583wsg CCD camera, Astro-Physics 1200GTO mount, Borg Mini-50 guidescope, Starlight Xpress Ultrastar guide camera
Settings:Luminance - 6 exposures @ 5 minutes each, bin1x1; Red, Green, Blue - 6 exposures @ 5 minutes each, bin 2x2
Notes:Image Capture: Sequence Generator Pro, PHD2; Processing: CCDStack2 and Adobe Photoshop CC
Filesize:6721 KiB
Date added:Aug 09, 2019
Dimensions:3176 x 2366 pixels
Displayed:7 times
EXIF Offset:45112176
Orientation:1: Normal (0 deg)
Resolution Unit:Inch
Software:Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 (Windows)
X Resolution:72 dots per ResolutionUnit
Y Resolution:72 dots per ResolutionUnit
Favorites:Add to Favorites
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