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IC 5067 - The Pelican Nebula
An emission nebula (H-II region) in the constellation Cygnus, associated with the North American Nebula (NGC 7000), but visually separated from it by a dark dust cloud.  Supposedly has the shape of a pelican, though not very much in this image.

IC 5067 - The Pelican Nebula

An emission nebula (H-II region) in the constellation Cygnus, associated with the North American Nebula (NGC 7000), but visually separated from it by a dark dust cloud. Supposedly has the shape of a pelican, though not very much in this image.

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File information
Album name:27telp / Nebulae
Location and Date:OCA site near Anza, CA, USA - 8/31/2019
Equipment:William Optics FLT-132 f/7 scope, QSI 583wsg CCD camera, Astro-Physics 1200 GTO mount, Starlight Xpress Ultrastar guide camera
Settings:12 exposures @ 5 minutes each in Luminance, Red, Green, Blue and Hydrogen-Alpha, all bin 1x1
Notes:Software: Sequence Generator Pro for image capture; CCDStack2 for calibration and registration; Adobe Photoshop CC for final color combining and refining
Filesize:7691 KiB
Date added:Sep 10, 2019
Dimensions:3326 x 2504 pixels
Displayed:19 times
EXIF Offset:49993020
Orientation:1: Normal (0 deg)
Resolution Unit:Inch
Software:Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 (Windows)
X Resolution:72 dots per ResolutionUnit
Y Resolution:72 dots per ResolutionUnit
Favorites:Add to Favorites
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