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Most viewed - Nebulae
IC 5067 - The Pelican Nebula19 viewsAn emission nebula (H-II region) in the constellation Cygnus, associated with the North American Nebula (NGC 7000), but visually separated from it by a dark dust cloud. Supposedly has the shape of a pelican, though not very much in this image.
IC1396A - Elephant Trunk Nebula 17 viewsA narrowband (Hubble Palette) image of a dense cloud of gas and dust within a much larger region of ionized gas designated IC1396, illuminated and ionized by the massive bright star HD206267 at the upper right corner of the frame. I don't find that the shape of the nebula resembles an elephant's trunk, but rather, as Michelle Evans has suggested, a dragon named Verminthrax Pejorative from the movie Dragonslayer.
M8, The Lagoon Nebula in Sagittarius16 viewsAn emission nebula lying 4000-6000 years from Earth. Also designated NGC 6523. An HII star-forming region. Contains the open cluster NGC 6530.
NGC 6543 - Cat's Eye Nebula16 viewsA structurally very complex planetary nebula about 3000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Draco. In large-telescope images it has the appearance of a cat's eye, but in my 5" refractor it appears simply as a bright blue star with a halo. The small spiral galaxy off to the left is probably NGC 6552.
Sharpless 2-155 - The Cave Nebula15 viewsA narrowband (Hubble Palette) view of an emission nebula in Cepheus; part of an ionized HII region within a larger complex containing emission, reflection and dark nebulae. About 2400 light-years away, on the edge of the Cepheus molecular cloud.
M20 - The Trifid Nebula13 viewsA combination of an open cluster of stars, an emission nebula (the lower, red portion), a reflection nebula (the upper, blue portion) and a dark nebula (which accounts for the gaps dividing the nebula into lobes). About 5000 light-years away in the constellation Sagittarius.
NGC 2359 - Thor's Helmet13 viewsAn emission nebula in the constellation Canis Major; about 12,000 light-years away. Consists largely of interstellar gas swept up by the central star, and partly of material from the star itself, which is an extremely hot, massive Wolf-Rayet star in a short-lived pre-supernova stage.
NGC 1499 - The California Nebula12 viewsAn emission nebula in the constellation Perseus, so called because it resembles the State of California in shape (though not in this image). About 1000 light-years from Earth.
IC 1805 - The Heart Nebula in Cassiopeia12 viewsIC 1805, the Heart Nebula, lies 7,500 light-years away from Earth in the Perseus arm of the Milky Way. It is an emission nebula, drawing its radiance from Melotte 15, the cluster of bright stars in the center of this image.
Medusa Nebula (Sharpless 2-274)12 viewsPlanetary Nebula in Gemini. Discovered in 1955, first thought to be a supernova remnant, but Soviet astronomers in 1971 determined it to be a planetary nebula.
Messier 16 - The Eagle Nebula11 viewsAn open cluster of stars as well as a diffuse emission nebula. Source of the famous "Pillars of Creation" image produced by the Hubble Space Telescope. About 7000 light-years distant.
M17 - The Swan Nebula11 viewsIn the constellation Sagittarius. Also known as the Omega or Horseshoe Nebula. A prolific star-forming region, lying 5000-6000 years from Earth.
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