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Top rated - Astronomical Images
IC1396A - Elephant Trunk Nebula 17 viewsA narrowband (Hubble Palette) image of a dense cloud of gas and dust within a much larger region of ionized gas designated IC1396, illuminated and ionized by the massive bright star HD206267 at the upper right corner of the frame. I don't find that the shape of the nebula resembles an elephant's trunk, but rather, as Michelle Evans has suggested, a dragon named Verminthrax Pejorative from the movie Dragonslayer. 55555
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NGC 47259 viewsA one-armed spiral galaxy in the constellation Coma Berenices, about 41 million light-years from Earth. This is a Seyfert galaxy, meaning that it has a very active nucleus; it is also a barred spiral and has a prominent ring structure. It is interacting with NGC 4747 in the upper left corner of the frame, resulting in severe distortion of both galaxies and producing the spectacular tidal tails seen with NGC 4747. The smaller spiral galaxy to the right of NGC 4725 is NGC 4712. 55555
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Messier 104 - The Sombrero Galaxy14 views28 million light-years away in the constellation Virgo, the Sombrero is one of the most spectacular of all galaxies.55555
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M20 - The Trifid Nebula13 viewsA combination of an open cluster of stars, an emission nebula (the lower, red portion), a reflection nebula (the upper, blue portion) and a dark nebula (which accounts for the gaps dividing the nebula into lobes). About 5000 light-years away in the constellation Sagittarius.55555
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Comet 2020/F3 NEOWISE21 viewsConditions for photographing Comet NEOWISE from my observatory near Anza, California were less than ideal. The comet was visible only in the northwest for a couple hours after sunset, at most, which put it squarely in the Los Angeles light dome. Another factor involved was the inexperience of the photographer - I hadn't done any night shooting with my DSLR before and I never got the camera focused properly, so the stars came out somewhat bloated and fuzzy. They also show some coma, I don't know why. But at least the comet itself came out reasonably well.44444
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End of Totality6 viewsI missed getting the diamond ring on this one, but you can see a hint of it at 7 o'clock.22222
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